Our 2 day First Aid at Work Requalification course recaps everything covered in the 3 day First Aid at Work course to make sure that your skills are still fresh in your mind.
Techniques, injuries and illnesses covered include:
This course must be done within the three years that your original first aid training certificate is valid for. If this period has elapsed then you will need to redo the 3 day First Aid at Work course.
Many people feel that it’s helpful to also do a half day refresher training course annually in between their requalification courses to make sure that all of their skills are practiced frequently and they can react as quickly as possible whenever their help is needed. If you’d like to enquire about our refresher or requalification courses, of any of our range of fully accredited First Aid and health and safety training courses, please phone us on 0141 244 0181 or email info@amalgamate-safety.com.