We believe in the importance of developing strong occupational health and safety cultures: benefiting both employees and business. Our aim is to pro-actively manage the occupational health and wellbeing needs of our clients and reduce the impact of ill health on their operations.
It is common knowledge that an organisation’s greatest asset is its people, and providing a safe, healthy and enjoyable workplace has many benefits that can significantly improve workforce production.
We have developed a comprehensive package of services designed to promote employee engagement and healthier working environments. These services aim to prevent/ manage long-term sickness absence by ensuring your team is fit to work and the workplace is not detrimental to health. This minimises the cost of ill health to your business.
Employee illness can take many forms and can often go un-noticed. Early intervention is key to our approach and we opt for prevention rather than cure by actively encouraging our clients to promote health and wellbeing as part of their corporate culture. We believe that early engagement can benefit both employees and employers.
Whilst tangible benefits can be achieved through early intervention, we understand that long-term sickness and absence can occur. By engaging with the individual directly through a sickness absence management process, we can manage their progress back to work more effectively.
Our expert Occupational Health Practitioners deliver a full range of services, including medical testing, drug screening, DSE Assessments, fitness to work checks, physiotherapy, mental health services, travel health services and vaccinations.
Whether a statutory requirement or good business sense it is beneficial to pro-actively manage the health of your workforce.
31.2 million working days were lost to the UK economy through absence due to work-related injury or ill health in 2016/17.
Source: Health and Safety Executive