Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We’ve had another great year at Amalgamate and we want to thank all of our clients for making this possible. 

Just like most other companies, we’re still facing some challenges as a result of the pandemic but we have learned to adapt and have worked our way through these hurdles. This year we’re giving our team an extended break to take time out, recharge and enjoy some downtime. We will be closed from the 17th of December and returning on the 5th of January.

During this period we will be monitoring our phones and will cover all emergency issues. In case of emergency please contact us on: +44 (0)141 244 0181 and one of our on call team will respond.

We are looking forward for what’s to come next year at Amalgamate and to continue sharing this with you all.

Keep an eye out for one of our upcoming newsletters that lets you know everything we’ve achieved this year, what has changed within our company and some of the work we’ve done with clients!

We want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, and most importantly, safe New Year!

Best Wishes,


Indestructible Language: COP26


Last weekend, Urban Office held a launch night for their COP26 sign installation – indestructible language. The installation, by conceptual artist and activist Mary Ellen Carroll/MEC, studios, centres around our current climate emergency. Designed to provoke viewers to reflect on its many interpretations and consider their own actions towards climate change. You can read more on MEC, studios website here.

The illumination of this piece of artwork coincides with the announcement of RSVP. RSVP is a global programme, whose initiative is to address climate, migration and mental health through the built environment.

An evening for the launch of this artwork brought about the likes of Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council, to the rooftop as well as Joe and Mike Grieve from the Sub-Club.

We’re delighted to be part of a community that wants to play an active role in addressing issues like climate change. It was also our pleasure to have provided the health and safety services to support this project!

The installation will be displayed until January 31, 2022.



If you’d like any more information, or are interested in any of our services, please get in touch on t: +44 (0)141 244 0181 or e:

Amalgamate’s New First Aid Trainers

Within our company, we have a handful of first aid trainers, qualified to deliver our range of first aid courses to the public. The past couple of months have been jam packed with first aid training and that’s why we are delighted to have two new first aid trainers to help us deliver these courses!


A picture of Lauren bell, one of Amalgamate's new first aid trainers

Lauren Bell

Lauren has actually been a part of our business for around a year now and she was ready to widen her role within the company. While she will still be carrying out her role as the training coordinator, attending and delivering first aid courses will now become a large part of her work with us.





A picture of Wendy Imrie, one of Amalgamate's new first aid trainers

Wendy Imrie

Wendy has only began her role working for Amalgamate within the past few weeks but is already playing a vital role within our business. Like Lauren, Wendy also has another role within the company as office administrator but has now become qualified to deliver our first aid training.




Both trainers attended a train the trainer course a few weeks ago and passed confidently. Since then, they have already attended multiple courses and are settling into their new roles perfectly. We are delighted for them to continue delivering first aid and grow within the company!




If you are interested in attending one of our first aid courses, or any of the other services we have to offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch – e: or t: +44 (0)141 244 0181

Amalgamate’s Two New Employees

Two new employees have recently joined our team at Amalgamate, helping the business to grow in the right direction and provide the highest quality of services. Joining our team is a new health and safety consultant and office administrator/first aid trainer.


Wendy Imrie

Office Administrator / First Aid Trainer

Wendy has worked within commercial operations for a large wholesale company over the past 10 years, proving to be a loyal and consistent performer. Her financial and analytical skills will play a crucial role within our company along with her experience in Sage line 50, Pegasus and Brandbank. Wendy will be taking on two roles within Amalgamate; office administrator and first aid trainer. 

“This is a fantastic Company to work with. Management and other employees are friendly and have made my first few weeks very enjoyable.”

David MacFarlane

Health and Safety Consultant

David started his career in the offshore oil industry as a roughneck and was introduced to the safety industry after being appointed Safety Rep for his drilling crew. Since leaving the oil industry, David has worked as a Senior Safety Professional within a range of sectors including semiconductor, aviation and many facets of construction. His experience in the profession has allows him to undertake various international contracts including Portugal, Taiwan, China, Russia, and Australia. David is GradIOSH, working towards chartered with further memberships of IEMA, IIRSM and APS. David will be joining Amalgamate as a health and safety consultant to help deliver our range of consultancy services.

“I am very happy to join the Amalgamate team and to help with present and future projects and clients. I am sure that my industry experience can help ensure continued success for the Amalgamate team.”


We look forward to seeing both David and Wendy grow within the company and help us to deliver all of our services to the highest standard.




If you’d like to get in touch about any of our services or have any questions, please contact us on t: +44 (0)141 244 0181 or e:

Key changes to First Aid

The procedures and steps advised on first aid courses are continuously reviewed and, where required, amended. Qualsafe Awards have recently released a summary of the key changes being made to the first aid curriculum. Our presentations will be updated to ensure we are providing candidates with the correct, up to date information and guidance. We have also ordered the updated first aid books that candidates receive to take home from their course. Below we will detail all the key changes to first aid that have been made so you can keep updated with the recommended course of action.


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The labelled image below should now be included showing the first aider wearing ‘level 2 PPE’ face mask, eye protection and disposable apron. Where appropriate, the casualty should also where a face mask.

key changes to first aid - personal protective equipment to be worn


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

A greater emphasis is to be placed on advising to call 999/112 on a speaker-phone so that CPR can be started while simultaneously talking to the ambulance call handler.

Additional advice has also been added when you have to perform CPR but are unable to move the casualty off a bed: Remove the pillows and kneel on the bed next to the casualty to give CPR (this helps to compress the mattress with your own weight). Increase your overall compression depth to compensate for the mattress compression.


Hygiene during resuscitation

Clarification should be made that a protective barrier such as a face shield or pocket mask will not fully protect from Covid-19.



A small change has been made to the text on choking recognition –

Advice amended from shout for help to: Shout for someone to call 999/112, or call on a speaker-phone if you can do this at the same as giving treatment.

‘Received abdominal thrusts’ is now added to reasons to seek immediate medical attention after treatment.



P for pain changed to ‘Pressure’ to better reflect appropriate actions of a first aider. Text now reads: The casualty responds to pressure. Further text includes ‘Localises Pressure: The casualty is able to localise where pressure stimulus is being applied’ and ‘Responds to (but does not localise) Pressure: The casualty responds to pressure stimulus, but is unable to localise it.’


Recovery position

Additional advice update: The recovery position is intended for an unresponsive, uninjured casualty who is breathing normally and does NOT need CPR.

Recovery position – injured casualty

Updated advice: For an injured unconscious casualty, keep them still and continually monitor airway and breathing. Only use the recovery position if the airway is at risk (e.g. fluids in the airway, or you have to leave them to get help and therefore cannot continually monitor breathing).


Anaphylaxis – minor updates

Recognition: A rapid onset and rapid progression – becoming very ill, very quickly.

Treatment: The dose of adrenaline can be repeated after 5 minute intervals if there is no improvement or symptoms return.


Asthma treatment – minor updates

  • The casualty should take one puff of their reliever inhaler (usually blue) every 30-60 seconds for up to 10 puffs.
  • Call 999/112 for emergency help if they feel worse at any point or if they don’t feel better after 10 puffs.
  • The 10 puff inhaler routine can be repeated after a few minutes if the ambulance hasn’t arrived yet.


Stroke recognition

Other red flag symptoms added to aid recognition of other stroke systems that may not be identified with the FAST test:

  • Balance – sudden loss of balance, trouble walking, dizziness or loss of coordination;
  • Eyes – sudden vision loss, double vision or partial loss of vision in one or both eyes; and
  • Sudden severe headache, nausea or vomiting.


Control of bleeding – updated information

Pressure – ‘you may need to press into the wound.’ If a dressing gets saturated with blood, take it off and make sure you are applying direct pressure to the exact point of bleeding. Only re-dress it when the bleeding is controlled.


Wound packing

  • Emphasis that wound packing is for ‘life-threatening’ bleeding;
  • Additional emphasis on using improvised wound packing if necessary;
  • Abdomen removed from sites amiable to wound packing; and
  • Added text: DO NOT try to pack a chest wound.


Tourniquets – updated section

  • Emphasis that tourniquets are for ‘life-threatening’ bleeding from an arm or leg that cannot be controlled by applying manual pressure;
  • Place the tourniquet 5-7cm above the wound but not over a joint; and
  • DO NOT release a tourniquet, only a healthcare professional can do this.


Knocked out (adult) tooth – updated section

  • Handle the tooth at the tip, not the root;
  • If possible re-implant the tooth back in its socket. Ask the casualty to bite on a clean swab to hold the tooth in place;
  • If the tooth is visibly dirty, it can be rinsed under a tap for a maximum of 10 seconds;
  • If re-implanting the tooth is not possible wrap it in cling film or store it in cow’s milk; and
  • Arrange urgent transfer to a dentist.


Spinal injury

Treatment – emphasis change to allow a conscious casualty to protect their own neck and allow them to exit a vehicle if needed and they are able.

Recovery position – increased emphasis on the need to keep an unconscious breathing casualty still and only use the recovery position if the airway is at risk.


Body temperature

Advice on using a mercury thermometer removed and topic replaced with advice on recognising infection in relation to high body temperature. Modern, easy to use thermometers are now available, such as disposable strips that are placed on the forehead or thermometers that read a temperature from the ear.


Heat stroke – updated section


  • Elevated body temperatures;
  • Confusion, agitation, disorientation;
  • Seizures;
  • Throbbing headache;
  • Lowered levels of response leading to unconsciousness;
  • Nausea, vomiting; and
  • Flushed, hot, dry skin (no sweating).


  • Remove the casualty from the heat source;
  • Call 999/112 for emergency help;
  • Cool the casualty rapidly, using fastest method available

A paddling pool can be used to immerse the casualty in cold water from the neck down.


Sepsis and meningitis

Improved layout of recognition table




If you would like any more information about these changes, or are interested in learning first aid, please get in touch on +44 (0)141 244 0181 or







What3words: Find any location with just 3 words

What3words is a piece of technology designed to enable users to provide a precise location, anywhere and at any time. Street addresses can’t specify building entrances and often don’t exist for parks and rural areas. This poses danger in an emergency if someone cannot accurately describe where they are. Many companies across the world now use what3words within their business including Mercedes-Benz, Mitsubishi Motors, Hermes Parcels, AA and even some of the emergency services UK.


How does it work?

Street addresses don’t always point to precise locations, so what3words have allocated a unique 3 word address to every 3m square in the world. These 3 words are assigned at random and will never change. You can either download the app for free on your phone or use their website. The app will be able to detect your location and from there give you the 3 word address for that exact position. You can also search locations anywhere across the world to find out their 3 word address.

An example of precise locations using what3words

When can you use it?

There’s many different ways this technology can be used, including:

  • Planning activities e.g. running, cycling, hiking;
  • Sharing locations;
  • Deliveries to exact locations;
  • Finding destinations anywhere across the world; and
  • Getting help faster in an emergency.

To conclude

As a health and safety company, we believe a piece of technology like this could be life saving in an emergency. It might be that you download the app and never use it, but we think it’s worth having it on your phone so you are prepared should you ever find yourself in an emergency situation.

Check out our latest post here!


Ryze Trampoline Parks: Emergency First Aid at Work


The entrance to Ryze Ultimate Trampoline Park Edinburgh

The entrance to Ryze Ultimate Trampoline Park Edinburgh

We were delighted to provide more of our first aid training courses to the team at Ryze Edinburgh at the weekend, along with a few employees who travelled from their Dundee location. At Amalgamate, we strive to be flexible for our clients; that’s why we delivered our training on a Sunday evening so as not to interrupt their business hours.

Over the last 4 years we have developed a solid partnership with Ryze and we’re looking forward to continue providing their company with a range of our health and safety services.

Our Emergency First Aid at Work course gives employees skills in basic first aid treatment, covering care for low level incidents through to life-preserving techniques in the event of an emergency. Candidates will learn how to deal with wounds, burns, stroke, shock, choking as well as learn how to perform CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

Due to the high risk nature of the work/activities carried out at Ryze, we adjust the course content as necessary. This involves the addition of dealing with a suspected spinal or head injury.

All candidates passed the course so will now be qualified to assist and handle any first aid emergencies in the workplace.

You can read more about our partnership with Ryze here!




If you are interested in finding out more about the health and safety services we can offer for your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on t: + 44 (0)141 244 0181 or e:

Musculoskeletal Care: The Home Office




The current pandemic hasn’t only caused a wave of Covid-19 cases – it has also caused a wave in musculoskeletal disorders/conditions. Under the present circumstances, our working environment is continuously changing and businesses and organisations will need support in adapting to these changes. Below we’ll give you some tips on how to handle the musculoskeletal care of your employees.


DSE Assessments: Display Screen Equipment


The majority of us use our phones, computers and other electronic devices for a large portion of our day so it’s important that we’re using them correctly. DSE assessments allow employers to assess whether employees are utilising their work equipment safely. These assessments may cover:

  • Work equipment
  • Work environment
  • Interface between user and equipment

You can find out more about the DSE assessments that we offer here.


the correct sitting position at your workstation to support musculoskeletal care when working from home

Correct sitting position for your workspace



Working from home may mean that some employees are sat at their own DIY desk for multiple hours a day. While there may be thousands of ergonomic chairs and desks available to purchase, we understand that not everyone has the money to purchase these items. We have a full post about creating an ergonomic workspace that you can read here for more information.

This infographic from Yorbik details how to achieve the correct sitting posture at your workstation.

We also have an Adobe Spark Page dedicated to ergonomic workspaces which you can see here.




There are a few simple ways to support your employees musculoskeletal care but if you require professional assistance or would like to have a chat about steps you can take, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact us on t: +44 (0)141 244 0181 or e:


We’re hiring! Health & Safety Consultant

At Amalgamate we’re hiring a new Health and Safety Consultant to help service our expanding portfolio of clients. We need an enthusiastic, confident and self‐motivated individual, who is comfortable working unsupervised to deliver health, safety and fire consultancy services to clients from a wide range of sectors.

Candidates must:

  • be NEBOSH Diploma Qualified or equivalent;
  • have a Chartered Membership of IOSH or demonstrate that they are working towards it;
  • be able to work safely in a range of environments, and both recognise and make timely and sensible decisions in regard to health and safety risks to themselves and others;
  • be able to work unsupervised and organise their work‐load effectively, producing reports and other outputs to deadlines;
  • possess an appreciation of the need for commercial awareness and the skills required to manage client relationships; and
  • be able to give sensible, practical advice, clearly expressed and tailored to the needs of clients. 

Ideally, the candidate will also:

  • Have 5-10 years of health, safety and fire consultancy experience;
  • Relevant fire safety qualification (such as NEBOSH (fire), FPA qualifications or CFPA diploma);
  • Ideally registered with one of the recognised schemes identified within the Fire Risk Assessment Competency Council Criteria;
  • NEBOSH Construction Qualified; 
  • Have a working knowledge of construction safety and the CDM regulations 2015 (Principal Designer / Client’s CDM Advisor roles).

We will be particularly interested in what steps you have taken to build on the foundation of your professional qualifications and put your knowledge into practice, develop commercial skills as a consultant, and seek managerial responsibility.

The role will be based in Glasgow, but candidates must be willing and able to travel around the country, and in some cases, further afield. The salary range for this role is £32-40k, dependant on experience and skills.

Amalgamate is a small, dynamic company, and works very much as a team. We pride ourselves on doing great work with interesting organisations including craft breweries, global software companies and rising stars in the construction and design world.

We’re looking for a person who can fit in with our company values, and work energetically with us to grow the business further. 


If you believe that you fit the bill, and would be an asset to the Amalgamate team, then please send a copy of your CV and a covering letter to We look forward to hearing from you.