As you will be aware, the UK Government have issued further advice for the public and workplaces in relation to COVID-19. The government has advised against ‘social gatherings’ and for people to work from home ‘where possible’. Also the advice for those who should self-isolate has been increased.

Our current advice is that first aid training is not a ‘social gathering’. It is essential training that is needed by workplaces, particularly when it is not possible for staff to work from home.

The government advice is changing on a daily basis but here are some things we as your training provider are doing as we stand right now:

  1. First aid training is essential training that is needed particularly by workplaces where it is not possible for staff to work from home, and particularly when there are severely extended ambulance response times due to the crisis. As such it is NOT a ‘social gathering’;
  2. Our class sizes can be reduced to minimise risk of infection. The main risk of infection in regard to COVID-19 is with people to people or people to surface contact rather than people to mannequin;
  3. We have implemented this 10 step plan to ensure hospital-grade infection prevention and control on our training courses. To view this plan please click here

We will also include the teaching of COVID-19 infection prevention and control at the beginning of our training courses.

At present our training team is operational. We will continue to support our clients with their essential training needs.

Amalgamate will continue to monitor all current developments and provide regular updates. If you would like any more information in regard to this, please do not hesitate to contact our training team on +44 (0)141 244 0181