Tag Archives: Clients

Operational Update

As the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to change daily. We would like to give you an operational update. As a business we doing everything we can to ensure we keep our team safe while continuing to deliver the quality of services expected by our clients.

Following the latest advice from the UK Government we have put in place measures to ensure that our business can continue to operate efficiently.

We continue to communicate with and support both our team and clients through the current situation and are constantly assessing both UK and Scottish Government updates. 

Our IT systems are specifically designed to allow our core team to homework and we will be encouraging them to do so from next week. As a business, we are geared up for online video conferencing and cloud based telephone calls.

However, with immediate effect and to protect the health, safety and well-being of our team, all face-to-face / non-critical meetings will be postponed. Our training provision will be restricted to essential training only i.e. First Aid at Work. Safety critical site operations will continue but any non-essential travel will be postponed.  

Click here for further information on the steps being taken to protect our First Aid training candidates. 

Amalgamate would like to re-assure our clients that we are still operational. Our team will continue to suppor you through these difficult times. If you need any assistance, please contact us through our normal channels. 

 We value your business and thank you for the continued support.

Please stay safe and look after yourselves. 

From all of us at Amalgamate

Amalgamate Safety