OHSAS18001 is changing to become international standard ISO45001. The changes are currently under discussion but the proposed date for implementation is October 2016 (with an expected transition period of two to three years).

Key Changes

The main changes are expected to be:

  • More emphasis on risk management;
  • Involving, securing and demonstrating more engagement from senior management;
  • Increased strategic considerations including consideration of the needs and expectations of stakeholders;
  • Reinforcement of the need to demonstrate and understand compliance status;
  • Use of performance indicators to track improvement.


OHSAS18001 provides a framework for all organisations to instigate proper and effective management of health and safety in the workplace. By having a clearly defined management system in place to identify and control health and safety, organisations are able to plan to minimise risks to their employees and contractors, ensure legal compliance, deliver effective communication and training, and continuously review and improve occupational health and safety.


What are the benefits of an effective occupational health and safety management system?

  • Increased stakeholder confidence and improved reputation;
  • Advantage over competitors when tendering for business and increased likelihood of repeat business;
  • Creating safe working conditions for employees and contractors;
  • Proactive identification and management of hazards;
  • Reduction in workplace accidents and ill health therefore reducing costs and downtime;
  • Engaging and motivating staff through communication, consultation and training to achieve safer working conditions;
  • Forward planning to ensure on-going and timely compliance with legal requirements; and
  • Potential reduction in insurance premiums.

What next?

If you are considering implementing OHSAS18001 now is still a very good time, the changes forecast for 2016 can be considered at the outset and incorporated in the forward planning.

Amalgamate understand that implementing and/or maintaining any management system can be time-consuming. We can support your business with expert resources to either maintain your existing management system and certification with ad-hoc or regular support, or help you take the first steps towards certification. We can provide an initial gap analysis, supported by an action plan and on-going project management.

If you are running independent quality, environmental and health and safety management systems, this may be a good opportunity to consider integration; the forthcoming changes to ISO14001 can also be included at this early stage.

Amalgamate can provide you with advice and guidance on either implementing or revising your existing management systems. Email us at info@amalgamate-safety.com or call +44 (0)141 244 0181.