We can provide Occupational Health Assessments at your workplace, for preventative, health surveillance or treatment plan purposes.

Loss of income from reduced performance, or absence of key members of staff is an expensive burden for business. In 2016, 137 million working days were lost to sickness absence, costing UK businesses in the region of £16 billion per year.

Occupational Health Assessments can help to tackle this problem – reducing sickness or injury absence, while also improving staff productivity and morale.

We offer a variety of services, including:

Health surveillance – our doctors can assess staff for Fit to Work certification, to confirm if they are able to perform standard and/or safety-critical roles. They can also monitor health issues for preventative care, including vision and hearing tests, lung function testing, blood pressure and BMI monitoring.

Consultations – where an employee has an ongoing health problem, assisting in the development of a plan to help them continue to work or return to work if possible, and to establish any adjustments that could be made to help them to work, while protecting their health.

If you’d like to know more about any of our Occupational Health services, call us on 0141 244 0181 or email info@amalgamate-safety.com