Tag Archives: working from home

Wellbeing Webinar – Working from Home

One of our promotional graphics for our Working from Home Wellbeing Webinar. Mental Health Awareness 2020 #BeKind
One of our promotional graphics for our Working from Home Wellbeing Webinar


COVID-19 hasn’t just been physically harming, it’s also been mentally draining. If your wellbeing has suffered whilst working from home then we’ve got a webinar just for you! Working from home has become a large part of many of our lives as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a health and safety company, we believe it’s important to promote good wellbeing during this challenging time.

Hosting the webinar

Megan McGinney, our resident Wellbeing Ambassador and Training Coordinator, has designed a Working from Home Wellbeing Webinar. Megan has experience with face to face learning and an honours degree in applied psychology, making her the perfect host.

What will be covered?

The webinar will cover different topics surrounding wellbeing. There will be focus on:

  • What mental wellbeing is and why we need to focus on it
  • The impacts of poor mental wellbeing
  • How stress, anxiety and depression can present itself.

We will focus on providing ways in which attendees can develop a good work-life balance as well as tips on how to express their needs and mindfulness. We have included a section on how to access resources from work alongside free resources that are available to each attendee should they not want to go through official channels.

Who is it aimed at?

Our target audience is attendees who have been, and are currently, working from home during COVID-19.

Resource Pack

Each webinar attendee will be provided with a free resource pack containing additional information on everything discussed. There will be links and contact details to apps and online resources designed to support wellbeing.

When is our next webinar?

Our next webinar is on the 27th of July at 11:00. Tickets are available through Eventbrite, you can click here to register for free now!

Here are a few links to some of our previous articles about wellbeing:

  • Working from Home Support – click here.
  • Working from Home: Physical and Mental Wellbeing – click here.
  • Taking Care of Employee and Colleague Wellbeing – click here.

If you have any questions about our webinar or would like more information please get in touch through t: +44 (0)141 244 0181 or e: info@amalgamate-safety.com

Working from Home Support

As we continue to move towards a relaxation of the current rules surrounding COVID-19, we start to consider what the ‘new normal’ might look like. We feel that a return to our previous routines may be a long way off, and home working will remain for the foreseeable future.

As an employer, we have the same health and safety responsibilities for home workers as for any other workers. Ensuring that our employees are safe, healthy and productive can feel like a significant challenge for many businesses.

Prior to the current pandemic, our teams have been supporting clients with employees working from home or classed as teleworkers for many years and developed a toolkit to support these needs. During the outbreak we’ve been working in collaboration with our clients to enhance that toolkit, providing ergonomic and wellbeing support.

Our services include:

  • Self-Assessment – An online risk assessment to be completed and submitted for review; 
  • Triage – Survey results are triaged by our DSE Assessors or Ergonomist to identify employees at risk or requiring further support;
  • Ergonomist Support – Ergonomists available to support employees. Local Ergo Support teams through Skype, bluejeans or zoom to provide advice and support on workstation set up, ergo risks and healthy work habits;
  • Online Training – Help your teams with ergo set up knowledge and provide advice and support. Delivered over Skype, bluejeans or zoom; and 
  • Ergo Cafe Drop-in Sessions – Online drop-in cafe sessions once or twice a week for 30-60 mins. Designed for people to call in and ask questions/request advice regarding any issues they are experiencing while working from home. Delivered over Skype, bluejeans or zoom.

MindGenius have also recently published a great article on Homeworking & Homeschooling during Covid-19 which you can click here to read!

As a consultancy, we see working from home playing a significant part in our work life for the foreseeable future. As a result we are investing in new technology to manage those risks and we’re also in the process of developing an integrated risk assessment, support and training App for businesses of all sizes.

For more information on our support packages or our Home Working App, please contact us on t: +44 (0)141 244 0181 or email us on info@amagamalgamate-safety.com.

We also have a few articles with some tips for working from home:

Creating an ergonomic workspace – Click here. 

Working from home during COVID-19 – Click here. 

Working from home: Physical and Mental Wellbeing – Click here. 

Amalgamate Safety